Standalone Management

From The 07K Wiki

Revision as of 19:28, 14 January 2025 by Dane944 (talk | contribs) (Pinouts were backwards for cam and crank)
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General Setup

Crank sensor

07k crank sensor with plug

The 07K engine uses a Hall Effect crank position sensor. This is synced with the cam sensor for Dual Wheel Missing Tooth engine operation and VVT.

Crank sensor pinout

On the rear of the sensor plug the wires are numbered 1 through 3.

Pin 1: 5v.

Pin 2: Sensor ground.

Pin 3: Sensor output.

07k vs 1.8t crank sensor comparison

For best results this sensor should shielded and kept away from sources of EMI like the starter, high-current wires, and any noise source.

Incorrect wiring diagrams

This sensor is easily confused with the similar-looking 1.8t Variable-Reluctance(VR). Both are three-wire sensors, The 07k uses two small hex bolts and the 1.8t uses a single bolt. In the wiring diagrams of both the 1.8t and the B series of engines (BGP, BGQ, BPS) have the same sensor diagram but use different sensors. Per the diagram, both show the 3-wire VR sensor with VR+, VR-, and shield ground, this is incorrect for the 07k. The C series of engines (CBTA, etc.) does not display a diagram for the sensor.

Cam Sensor

The 07k uses a single Hall effect sensor on the intake cam. This is synced with the crank sensor for Dual Wheel Missing Tooth engine operation and VVT.

Cam sensor pinout

07k Cam sensor

On the rear of the sensor plug the wires are numbered 1 through 3.

Pin 1: 5v.

Pin 2: Sensor output.

Pin 3: Sensor ground.

For best results this sensor should shielded and kept away from sources of EMI like the starter, high-current wires, and any noise source.

Coil On Plug(COP)

Coolant sensor

2 Wire

3 Wire

Knock Sensor(s)

Throttle body

Map sensor

Mega squirt 3X

**Please note that this is a work in progress, tune and wire at your own risk**

Coil on plug(COP)

VW/Audi COP issue

Wiring diagram for COP[1]

The MegaSquirt3X cannot drive the VW/Audi coils directly. This is due to the SNx4AHCT541 Integrated circuit is limited by the resistance of the trigger of the coil being lower than 1k ohm. The resistance of the standard COPs is ~440 ohm. This causes the coils to pull more current than SNx4AHCT541 can handle and leads to misfires and potential EMI issues in the MS3X leading to RPM sync loss.

VW/Audi COP fix

The fix to this issue is using three TC4427 Integrated circuits that can handle the required higher current (the number of ICs can be scaled for more cylinders) and one 15 ohm resistor on the output of each TC4427.

MS3X ignition output modification circuit[2]

Megasquirt VAG COP driver on a PCB[3]

Drive by cable

Using a VR6 Throttle body

Wiring diagram

Male 8 pin plug going into to throttle body

MS3X 2 wire PWM idle circuit [4]

Helpful links

Audi R8 VAG coils with MS3X

MS3X 1.8T no crank signal

Switching to VAG coil on plug

Audi R8 Coils not working - what did I do wrong?

Megasquirt VAG COP driver